Social Media Ambassadors image

Calvert Library invites you to participate as we expand our social media community by becoming a Social Media Ambassador or #CLambassador. Social Media Ambassadors will be those community members who appreciate the inherent value of the library and are willing to help raise awareness of library services on social media.

Becoming a Social Media Ambassador

No application is necessary! Simply sign up to receive a short periodic #CLambassador News Flash via email. Calvert Library is looking for ambassadors on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Each News Flash will include relevant hashtags and give a synopsis of current library initiatives.

What a Social Media Ambassador Does

In addition to acting on the #CLambassador News Flash:

  • Add Calvert Library on Facebook, Instagram and/or YouTube
  • Share, like, and comment on Calvert Library’s posts to help the library stay visible in our community.
  • Tell your Stories from the Stacks! Use social media to tell the world what you love about Calvert Library. Creativity is encouraged.
  • Use certain hashtags to promote library events and services. For example, any post having to do with a reading challenge would include the hashtag #calvertREADS- in addition to #CLambassador.
  • We understand that you have a busy life! Participate as much or as little as you are able. Every time you give a shout out to the library, we appreciate your effort!


Calvert Library Ambassadors

Please check the social media platforms you currently use.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.