May 12, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Robyn Truslow 410-535-0291
On Tuesday, April 26, the construction contract for a new Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch was awarded to Scheibel Construction of Huntingtown, MD and a new building is one step closer. The groundbreaking is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24, at 2pm. The ceremony will take place at 5th Street & Chesapeake Ave, North Beach. Executive Director of Calvert Library, Carrie Willson said, “We’re so excited to move forward with this collaborative project to bring a 21st century library to the Twin Beaches area. We have had so much support for this building. In addition to the county commitment to build this library, we have already been granted $4.8 million through Maryland State Library Capital Grant program. North Beach contributed a $250,000 Community Development Grant to the design process as well as donating the fabulous land for the project. We look forward to partnering with every library lover as Calvert Library Foundation will soon kick off a fundraising campaign to add the extra touches to this building that our community wants.” Groundbreaking parking will be very limited but those interested in attending are welcome and can get more information on Calvert Library’s events calendar<calvertlibrary.libnet.info/event/6620797>.
This new community space will be almost four times the size of the current library in Chesapeake Beach. Features of the new building will include a large meeting room that can be subdivided into two smaller 50-person meeting rooms, study space, a maker space, dedicated children’s and teen spaces, terraces with a view of the Chesapeake Bay and parking under the building. Calvert Library expects to welcome the community to the new library’s grand opening in the winter of 2024.
Colimore Architects<colimore.com/> was awarded a contract for architecture and engineering for the new Twin Beaches Branch in February of 2020. Colimore contracted with HBM Architects<www.hbmarchitects.com/> to do the library-specific interior design for the project. Community input was gathered during focus groups and meetings during the last several years and the building has been carefully planned to meet the community’s growing needs. Thus far, funding for the new library has been provided by Calvert County, a variety of grants and donations from the Calvert Library Foundation and Friends of Calvert Library. There are still donation opportunities available. If you would like information, please contact Robyn Truslow at 410-535-0291.

Related Link Twin Beaches Project website
Robyn Truslow She/Her/Hers Public Relations Coordinator Calvert Library 850 Costley Way Prince Frederick, MD 20678 410-535-0291 410-535-3022 (fax) CalvertLibrary.info