Maryland’s Digital eLibrary Consortium – OverDrive & Libby
- Download eBooks, digital audiobooks and eMagazines to a smartphone, tablet, eReader, laptop, or computer.
- Overdrive help
- Overdrive apps
- Magazines do not count toward your ten checkouts, nor do they need to be placed on hold. Magazines are always available.
- Choose your checkout period- 7, 14, or 21 days.
- Try the Libby app for your Android, iOS, or Microsoft device.
- Install the Libby app from your device’s app store.
- Open the app and find your library. You can search for Calvert Library, or enter your city or zip code.
- Browse the collection and borrow an eBook, eAudiobook or eMagazine. When prompted, sign in with your Calvert Library card.
- Borrowed titles appear on your shelf and will download to the app automatically so you can read offline.
- From your shelf, you can open a title to read in the app.
- See OverDrive’s Libby Help page for more information.
Library Catalog
Whether you prefer electronic or physical library material search the COSMOS catalog for books, movies and music.
Freegal Music
Browse a catalog of 15 million songs. Stream 3 hours per day AND download 3 MP3 songs per week and keep them forever! Get the app on Google Play or Apple App Store.
Consumer Reports
Research thousands of products and services with test results, ratings, recommendations and buying guides. Consumer Reports is a nonprofit organization that provides unbiased reports on a variety of products to help you make better, more informed purchasing decisions.
Washington Post
Full subscription online access to this popular daily newspaper. There are separate links for in-library access and offsite access. Unrestricted offsite access is available to readers for 7 days, beginning at the point of entering the site after registering or logging in. On the eighth day, users should return to this page and select the offsite access link for; this triggers a new 7-day access period for the individual. Users do not need to pay for an account.

The Shelf: Spanish Streaming Service
The Shelf es una colección de videos en streaming con más de 12,000 de las mejores películas, series de televisión, ópera y teatro en español de América Latina y España. Ofrece algo para todas las edades… ¡Empieza hoy! The Shelf es una colección de videos en streaming con más de 12,000 de las mejores películas, series de televisión, ópera y teatro en español de América Latina y España. Ofrece algo para todas las edades… ¡Empieza hoy!
The Shelf is a streaming video collection with over 12,000 of the best Spanish-language movies, TV series, opera, and theatre from Latin America and Spain. It offers something for all ages…Get started today! The Shelf is a streaming video collection with over 12,000 of the best Spanish-language movies, TV series, opera, and theatre from Latin America and Spain. It offers something for all ages…Get started today!
Aquí encontrarás un espacio seguro en el que los más pequeños de la casa podrán desarrollar su imaginación sin límites. Edye nos trae las mejores series de animación de alto contenido educativo y, además, nuestra selección de videojuegos ofrece una amplia variedad de títulos para todas las edades.
Here you will find a safe place where the little ones of the house will be able to develop their imagination without limits. Edye brings us the best animated series with high educational content and, in addition, our selection of video games offers a wide range of titles for all ages.
Calvert Library Hoopla
- Borrow free video, music, and audiobooks with your library card
- Enjoy on your PC, tablet, or phone
- “How to use Hoopla” class
- Hoopla help
- Mobile apps: IOS, Android, Amazon
Kanopy – Be Entertained, Be Enriched provides films that truly resonate with us and do more than just entertain. They inspire us, enrich us, and challenge our perspectives. Look for the Great Courses and MANY documentaries on Kanopy.
BookFlix® is a digital literacy resource that pairs more than 120 animated stories from Weston Woods with a best-selling nonfiction eBook from Scholastic on a similar subject. The fiction and nonfiction pairings are designed to strengthen early literacy skills while exposing young learners to real world concepts.