Obtaining an email is necessary for filling out job apps and communicating with potential employers. Choose a professional sounding email address.

If you would like help please come in or call Calvert Library and a librarian will be happy to help.



  • Functional—stresses transferable skills and
    minimizes employment gaps
  • Chronological—stresses consistent employment
    and career progression


  • 1-2 pages in length
  • Standard font (such as Arial) for body text and
    something more distinctive for header
  • Single space text, double space between sections
  • Margin-normal/narrow (no less than .5”)
  • Bold and Italics-use sparingly to draw attention to degrees or job titles


  • Header-name and contact info
  • Profile-a 2-3 sentence summary that highlights important skills, abilities, and experience
  • Work Experience-summarizes the last 10 years, highlighting transferable skills
  • Education-lists relevant education, certification, and professional licenses
  • Optional Sections: Volunteer Exp./Military Exp./Software Applications/Organizations/Internships/Publications or Workshops
    from DigitalLearn.org

Cover Letter Overview

A cover letter is a document that presents your job goals, education, and job history. The cover letter explains why you are capable of filling the job position you want. Why do I need to do a cover letter? Many employers need a cover letter to go with a résumé. Employers use cover letters and résumés to see who can do a job. Employers also use cover letters to read about your past jobs. Cover letters explain why you want the job and how you can fulfill the job requirements. Your cover letter is also important because it shows employers you can communicate effectively. Your cover letter and résumé should work together to convince an employer to give you an interview. It is good to have a cover letter even if you do not need one for a certain job. It is easier to update a cover letter than to write one from scratch in a hurry.

From Purdue Online Writing Lab 

Help Now: upload your draft covert letter and a writing expert will analyze it, provide helpful comments, and return it to you within one business day.


Microsoft Word templates

Enoch Pratt Job Seeker’s Toolkit: Preparing Your Application

Purdue University Writing Lab

University of Maryland Resumes and Cover Letters


  • Know yourself—knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  • Research the company—learn as much as you can. What questions will you ask?
  • Practice your interviewing skills—practice alone and with family and friends.


  • Be prompt and prepared—arrive 10-15 min early. Bring any needed documents and prepared questions.
  • First impressions count—dress professionally, give a firm handshake and make eye contact.
  • Lean forward slightly in your chair, even online. This shows interest and attention.
  • Q & A—answer questions thoroughly and concisely. Ask a few questions of the interviewer. Be enthusiastic.
  • Closing—prepare a closing statement expressing your interest. Ask for business card if relevant. Thank the interviewer.


  • Jot down info about the interview.
  • Follow-up—send a thank you ASAP (email or handwritten).
  • Evaluate—is this job for you? Is the position a good fit? Critique yourself (were you prepared, what would you do differently.)

Source: U of MD University College’s How to Ace Your Job Interview Checklist

CareerOneStop Successful Interviewing and Negotiating

University of Maryland Division of Student Affairs – Interviewing

A password manager is either downloadable software or a web-based solution that allows you to store and retreive all your passwords using one master password or pass phrase. Password managers major advantage is the ability to use longer/stronger passwords for each account you use without you having to remember every password. They can also automatically generate a secure password for you.

Some of the many options are:





Applying for a job usually requires you to create an account for that position’s job application site (for example, careers.panerabread.com or safeway.com/jobs, BUT sometimes it is through a 3rd party site, such as carrols.com for Burger King). You may need to return more than once to that online application to complete forms in order to accept the position.

Therefore, you will need to keep track of any login information (username, passcode, etc.) you use to create that application. We recommend you maintain an organized list of your accounts, ideally through a password management system –see the free resources we link under the tab Password Managers, or ask a librarian for assistance.

Practice filling out online job application